If you are
an ardent cook then you probably know about the exotic leaf; Curry leaf! And if
you don’t then it’s that amazing leaf that gives meals an irresistible aroma. For
most Culinary enthusiasts it is, quite simply the seasoning of choice.
But beyond
the mouth-watering fragrance it adds to dishes, the Curry Leaf also possesses
other important health benefits for the body.For one, it is packed with essential vitamins like Vitamins A, Vitamin B and E amongst others. In addition, it is a good source of carbohydrates, fibre, calcium, phosphorus, protein and Iron.
For more health benefits of Curry Leaf please read below:
· Curry leaves help in weight reduction by flushing out fats and it is also used in the treatment of diabetics caused by obesity.
· The fibre content of the leaf plays a significant role in helping to lower the blood sugar. It does this by regulating the insulin activity of the body.
· Curry leaves improves digestion.
· It lowers cholesterol levels.
· It is also good for preventing grey hair. And for ladies, it adds bounce to the hair and helps treat dandruff in the hair.
· Also curry leaves is good for treating minor burns and irritations from insect bites.
Bottom line: The curry leaf is a health booster! You can chew it or extract the juice and drink it. Or maybe you can stick to adding it to your meals. Whichever option to choose, your health is the better off for it.