Tuesday 24 February 2015

For The Love of Watermelon

Ever heard of Citrullus lanatus? Perhaps not. How about Watermelon? Sounds familiar, right? Welcome to the world of the watermelon (or Citrullus lanatus, if you prefer its fancy botanical name) where there is more to it than its familiar pink and green appearance.
Because of its sweet juice and the refreshing taste, the watermelon remains a favourite for many fruit lovers. Interestingly, not all watermelons are pink; some are yellow and are sweeter than their pink cousins with distinctive honey flavour. However, we in Nigeria are used to the delicious pink watermelons.
So, apart from being delicious, what else should we know about the watermelon? 
For one, it is an incredible source of nutrients. Let’s start with some of the vitamins that can be found in the watermelon:
·         Vitamin A:  This helps us maintain our vision. It boosts the body’s immunity by enhancing lymphocytes, the infection fighting component of the white blood cells.
·         Vitamin B6:  Also helps the immune system. Vitamin B6 plays a key role in producing antibodies which are needed to fight diseases.
·         Vitamin C:  Yet another vitamin that plays a key role in bolstering the body’s immune system against infections and viruses. It helps protect the body from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and conditions such as cataracts.

It doesn’t end there. If you are a –‘weight-watcher-’, watermelon may be the fruit for you. It has more than 90% water which helps in keeping you fuller for longer. So it’s bye-bye binge eating!
Watermelon also contains as little as 80 calories with no fat at all. How amazing! The fleshy insides are not the only nutritional parts of the watermelon.  For every time you throw away the watermelon seeds and the rind (the skin), you are actually throwing away valuable nutrients. Not sure what to do with the rind? Here’s a recipe for you; throw in the rind along with some lime into a blend and the resultant green brew is rich in chlorophyll (yes the same chlorophyll in plants) that helps cleanse and maintain the human blood. As for seeds you are guaranteed of a healthy dose of iron, zinc, protein, and fiber, if you just take out time to chew them.

Monday 26 January 2015

Battling The Bulge

You will quite agree with me that looking plump; well-rounded with rolls of fat evenly spread all over the body was a much desirable look by our grandparents.  Oh yes, men of old believed that for a woman to be considered beautiful she must be ‘well-endowed’. These women often called ‘thick madam’ were our original African Queens. In the Efik tribe of Calabar and Akwa-Ibom, young girls preparing for marriages were usually taken to a fattening room and kept in seclusion for several months; they were fed with rich and fatty foods with the sole purpose of, well, getting them fat. For this proud culture, being fat symbolised wealth, good fortune, beauty and fertility.

Fast forward to today, Nigeria’s attitudes and perceptions of beauty and wellness couldn't be more different. Nigerian society now encourages women to be smart and fit for longevity and healthier lifestyles. Being round or overweight is no longer desirable and even frowned upon in certain circles. Perhaps this is due to the growing influence of the Westernization.  An average lady now wants to have a “perfect coke shape bottle”.  Being overweight is more often than not, seen as a symbol of gluttony, excess, over indulgence and even laziness than an object of desire.  Irrespective of whether the definition of beauty includes the size of one’s waist, Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world. It travels with various other diseases, which combined, kills millions of people per year. Obesity can lead to a number of ailments, for example, bowel disease and type 2 diabetes. It is also a risk factor for some cancers such as breast cancer. 

Checkout the 3 factors that I believe are leading causes of obesity:
First and foremost, genetics is one of the leading factors of obesity. It's true that family genetics plays a role in the way you store fat and where it accumulates on your body. Genes alone do not mean you will be obese, but can cause certain obesity-related diseases.

Another factor is eating junk food. Filling your diet with junk food causes an array of problems in your body. Junk food is often high in sugar, fat and calories, while providing very few nutrients. You can treat yourself to some ice cream or your favourite snacks once in a while, but keep your portions to a minimum!

Also, Inactivity is another factor; a lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity.  People who are inactive are more likely to gain weight because they don't burn the calories that they take in from food and drinks. An inactive lifestyle also raises your risk for coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, and other health problems. In order to eliminate obesity in our society, we should all strive to life a full life that is also healthy.  Getting to and staying at your healthy weight should be your goal and this begins with research - to determine what your ideal weight should be. The next step will be regular physical activity, drinking plenty of water every day; good eating plan and getting plenty of high-quality, restorative sleep.

As we celebrate this New Year, let’s embrace a healthy attitude by eating healthy balanced meals. We can start by, adding more fruits to our shopping list, exercising more often, eating breakfast, and drinking minimum of eight glasses of water daily.

Cheers to a prosperous and fabulous new year! 

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Eat Smart and Weigh less this Christmas!

Hey, it's that time of the year again when extra calories lurk around every corner. From doughnuts and Christmas cake at the office end of year party, to plate upon plate of delicious rice, chicken and moin-moin  at the numerous family and friends’ Christmas parties you have a lot to indulge in. For some reason, it is acceptable to eat so much more at Christmas and although we know that it all adds up, we gladly accept that we will enter the New Year carrying an extra pound or two..
Yes,  Christmas is a time to enjoy yourself but we shouldn't let this overindulgence ruin your shape. Here are some tips that can help you enjoy the holiday goodies without putting on a single pound (yes it is possible) With these steps, you are assured of a guilt-free Christmas and you would have no problem fitting into your existing wardrobe in the coming year.

First and foremost, never go to a party hungry; taking this step helps you maintain discipline in the face of temptation. Never leave your house for a party without taking at least a bowl of cereal or other nutritious snacks. With this you would not have too much space in your stomach to stuff in everything you see at the party.

Also, don’t focus on the food, or try not to, at least. There  is so much more to a party than what is being served. Try to divert your attention from food and focus on other things like enjoying your friends’ company, or dancing (other than being fun, it is a brilliant way to burn calories). Just do anything that would take your eyes off the mountain of delicious food, snacks and drinks.

Don’t forget to outsmart the buffet; when dinner is served buffet-style, use the smallest plate available and don't stack your plate with food; limit your helpings to a single story. This way you get to eat less. Be conscious of what you are eating, how much you are eating, the food’s flavour, texture and so on. The more you savour your meal, the less likely you are to overeat -eating slower allows time for the signals from your stomach to register in your brain that you are full.

Another important tip is to limit alcohol. We know it’s  a party and a time of celebration  but be careful. Alcohol is extremely high in calories and fat which means it is always going to be terrible for your waistline.
While there aren't ways to make alcohol healthy, here are a few tricks to lower your intake. Drink clear spirits like Vodka with a diet mixer such as lemonade, to lower the amount of alcohol you consume. Whatever you choose to drink, make sure you take regular breaks by drinking water. This will help your body break down the alcohol quicker and will stop you from getting as drunk and saying anything you regret.

Remember to be selective about desserts. Limit your indulgences to small portions and avoid sampling each dessert on offer.  You know you can’t stop at one bite – who can? It’s better for you to take a small portion of a single dessert than piling your plate with several treats you plan to "try."

Finally, a walk will not kill you. Make this a holiday tradition and go out for a walk as a family before or after the meal. This will not only benefit you physically but also puts you in a mindset to be more careful about what you eat. Eat smart this festive holiday!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Monday 17 November 2014

Raise Awareness from your Desk!

November, Lung Cancer Awareness month. It’s that time of the year when lung cancer takes the front burner. It’s the month when we are all expected to do our bit in raising awareness on the deadly scourge.

So what exactly is lung cancer and what are the factors that increase the chances of you getting it? Like all cancer, it’s when there is abnormal growth of cells in the lungs.
Lung cancer according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) report is the one of the most common cancers in developing countries with about 24.6 million people currently living with cancer worldwide. ” Scary stats, isn't it?
Perhaps lung cancer wouldn't have such a profound and tragic influence in the world today were it not for the tobacco connection. According to WHO, 43% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco.  Tobacco was responsible for 4.4 million new cases in 2002 till date. To cap it all, WHO has it that tobacco consumption is the world’s most avoidable cause of cancer, responsible for more than 80% lung cancer cases in men and 45% in women.

Risk factors of lung cancer are;

1. Smoking: The number of smokers is increasing particularly in the developing world. The rate of occurrence of lung cancer has been reported to have a striking parallel to the incidence of cigarette smoking in the nation. The risk is increased by early age of commencement of smoking and the duration of smoking. You may be shocked to learn that the cigarette smoke that is inhaled contains carcinogens (cancer- causing substances).

2. Physical inactivity, dietary factors, being overweight and obesity: Research has shown that poor diet, not being active, and obese increases the risk of several cancers.  We need diets high in fruits and vegetables to help fight against many cancers. Thus, regular physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy body weight, along with a healthy diet will considerably reduce cancer risk.

3. Air Pollution: Air pollution is another risk factor. Even the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen. According to Kurt Straif, PhD, head of the IARC Monographs Section, ‘’The air we breathe is filled with cancer-causing substances, outdoor air pollution is not only a major environmental risk to health in general, it is the most important environmental cancer killer due to the large number of people exposed.”

Enough about the risks, here are some practical tips to reduce the risk of getting this disease,

1. Quit smoking; if you have never smoked, don’t start! And if you are already smoking, quit now!

2. Avoid second-hand smoke; if you live or work with a smoker, urge him or her to quit. At the very least, ask him or her to smoke outside. Avoid areas where people smoke, such as bars and restaurants, and seek out smoke-free options.

3. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables; choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Food sources of vitamins and nutrients are best.

4. Workout regularly: If you don't exercise regularly, start out slowly. Try to exercise most days of the week.
Let’s join hands in making our generation the last that smokes! Think of the people you know. How many of them have had cancer? How many more will get it?
We urge to you to tell your families, friends, loved ones, etc. to join the world in raising more awareness for this deadly diseases. Use your social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc., to educate your friends and family. All these are wonderful platforms that can be used to get messages across to the public.
By joining the world in raising more awareness, we can save over 2 million lives by 2020 and 6.5 million lives by 2040, according to World Health Organisation (WHO).
Safe a life and raise more awareness this month!
Start NOW!!!

Friday 3 October 2014

Looking to shed off that extra weight and improve your skin tone? Here’s a simple solution for you: Avocado
You’ve probably heard of Avocado: that tasty treat that can serve as a snack, a meal on its own or can be used in salads and dishes. 
However, Avocado is much more than a great tasting fruit. It is a very good source for nutrients like fibre, potassium and vitamins C, K, foliate but to mention a few. 
That’s not all. Avocados also contain fat. Now don’t get scared yet. Avocados fat is the healthy kind. Indeed, the fat is unsaturated and even helps reduce the body’s cholesterol. By now you are probably getting the idea that the Avocado fruit is a nutritional powerhouse. But there’s even more.
See below for 7 awesome reasons why eating an Avocado a day will keep the doctor away:
1. Avocados prevent cancer: Studies have shown that Avocados contain nutrients that prevent mouth, skin and prostate gland cancers. The compounds from Avocado target cancerous cells without harming normal healthy cells.

2. Avocado is good for pregnant women: This buttery fruit is a rich source of (healthy) fats, tons of vitamins and dietary fibre to the body. This is particularly useful for pregnant women because it keeps both mother and baby healthy.

3. Avocados helps keep the brain healthy: I bet you didn’t see this coming. Avocados have been known to contain Vitamin E which counteracts free radicals and the build-up of proteins to reverse the memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients. It actually reverses symptoms of Alzheimer’s in the early stages and retards the progression of the disease. 

Read more: http://undergroundhealthreporter.com/avocado-health-benefits/#ixzz3EArIoPBy

4. Cures bad breath; Avocado is a natural mouth wash and a remedy for bad breath. It cleanses the intestine which is the real cause of coated tongue and bad breath. 

5. Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Regulator: Regular consumption of Avocado helps to regulate blood sugar, control blood pressure and reduce stroke risk.

6. Avocado aids weight loss: Research shows that a diet rich in healthy fats helps trim down your waistline. 

7. For Glowing Skin: For a healthy and glowing complexion, a cup of avocado juice a day will help nourish and protect your skin from inside out. It re-invigorates dull and dry skin, giving you a more radiant and flawless skin tone. 

So next time you go shopping for fruits, don’t forget to add avocados for a healthier you! 


Monday 4 August 2014

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthier You!

Every one of us wants to be fit and live a long active life, right? But what do you do for it? Living a healthy lifestyle might sound very boring, expensive and difficult to maintain, especially when you have to give up on all of your favourite foods and snacks just to embrace a beneficial lifestyle, but do you know that it is even easier to maintain a wholesome and fabulous lifestyle? Yes! You don't have to spend long hours training at the gym or missing your breakfast or even throwing away your chocolates to trim down your waistline. Well, good news! You can still eat your dark chocolates, enjoy breakfast and other beautiful meals and still live a beneficial lifestyle. All you need to spice up your lifestyle is to develop and sustain these healthy choices in your day-to-day living. Check out 35 more tips for a nourishing and awesome you!
1.    Walk for 30 minutes daily.
2.    Never skip breakfast.
3.    Eat a piece of fruit daily.
4.    Eat whole foods instead of processed foods whenever possible.
5.    Reject foods and drinks made of artificial colours or sweetener.
6.    Start each lunch/dinner with salad.
7.    Give your partner a hug every day before going to work.
8.    Take a deep belly breath for three to five minutes twice a day.
9.    Eat a handful of walnuts before bed.
10.  Drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.
11.  Get 10-15 minutes of sunlight and fresh air daily.
12.  Jog for 10 minutes.
13.  Have a greater variety of food. Eat three different foods at every meal.
14.  Have snacks between meals.
15.  Watch comedy and add humour to your life.
16.  Try to have seven hours of sleep every night.
17.  Have a fixed bed time.
18.  Increase your fibre intake.
19.  Eat foods with bright rich colours.
20.  Register in a yoga class.
21.  Surround yourself with loving and supportive family and friends.
22.  Drink green tea at least twice a day.
23.  Exercise till you sweat once a week.
24.  Have as much sex as possible … At least twice a week.
25.  Do push-ups for 30 minutes twice a week.
26.  Eat a handful of nuts 30 minutes before a meal.
27.  Learn to cook and gain control of what goes into your meals … and save money!
28.  Take a Vitamin D rich supplement.
29.  Chew food thoroughly.
30.  Cut down your sodium intake and sugar.
31.  Don’t over-eat!
32.  Don’t eat 3 hours before going to bed.
33.  Sit in silence for 10 minutes each day.
34.  Play games and read more books to stimulate your brain.
35.  Pray

Monday 14 July 2014

The Path to A healthy Mother and Child

Are you worried about childbirth and how it will affect you? Bringing a baby into the world can be fun and exciting, but it can also come with some complications if not properly managed.
Did you know that there are numerous ways you can improve maternal health issues? Of course 80% of maternal deaths are preventable. But it is quite unfortunate that maternal mortality rates are still very high in the world, each year, more than half a million women die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. In Nigeria alone, about 2,300 under-five year old children and 145 women die every single day during childbirth complications.
Below this statistics lies the pain and agony of thousands of families who have lost their children and loved ones due to maternal death issues. It is even more devastating to know that most of these childbirth complications are preventable.

What exactly are the causative agents of maternal health issues?

  • Pre-existing conditions; Most of these complications are caused by pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, malaria, HIV, obesity, etc. 
  • Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure; women with pre-existing, or chronic, high blood pressure are more likely to have certain complications during pregnancy and this can lead to maternal death.
  • Unsafe Abortion, infections and other labour complications are the most leading causes of maternal mortality. 
  • Malnutrition and lack of regular exercises is also one of the causes of maternal health issues.

Is there a chance to reduce maternal mortality and improve maternal health? Yes! There are numerous ways to avert most of these maternal issues. According to experts, maternal health conditions can be improved in different ways, such as;

  • Professional care during pregnancy and childbirth; 80% of maternal death can be avoided with proper access to basic health care services. Such as regular medical check-up, antenatal and post antenatal care, etc.
  • Regular exercise during pregnancy helps to alleviate many of the common problems of childbirth.
  • Eating well balanced meals; eating healthy foods now is more important than ever! You need more protein, iron, calcium and folic acid and more calories than you did before pregnancy. Consider a cleaner diet for a healthier baby!

The health of a mother is very important for the unborn child and to prevent maternal complications. Healthy women and healthy babies build healthy communities. Therefore, maternal health is a key to a healthier society.



