Monday, 17 February 2014

Get That Highbrow Eyebrow!

Photo Credits: Toun Aj's world
It’s often said that the eye is the lamp of the body. If that is true, then the eyebrow plays an important role in making the lamp shine brighter.
The eyebrows define the eyes and also enhance the beauty of the face. It also plays a key role in protecting the eyes from unwanted moisture, sweat and to some extent, particles.
And just like any other part of the human body, the eyebrow varies from individual to individual. Some have it thick, others have it thin. Some have it long, others have it short.
The eyebrow should also be properly taken care of, the way other parts of the body are cared for. A little pruning and grooming will go a long way in enhancing facial beauty. One should be mindful of excessive hair loss while waxing or while trimming the brow.
Loss of hair in the eyebrow could also occur as a result of illness; side effects from medications amongst others.
Truth is loss of the eyebrow can make a huge difference not only in facial appearance but also making the eye vulnerable to sweat running down the face and particles. Little wonder, individuals who suffer from loss of hair in their eyebrow are, more often than not, desperate to regrow them.
Though it takes between six to eight weeks or more to grow back eyebrows, eating nutritious and healthy foods can help speed up the process.
Growing Back Your Eyebrows
·         Protein
The main component of the eyebrow is hair, which is made up of protein. Some individuals, who suffer from deficiency of protein, usually have scanty or thin eyebrows. Eating a diet rich in proteins and Vitamins E, A, B3 and C will replenish the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Also, adding folic acid to your diet will help to promote the growth of well-defined and thick eyebrows.

·         Avocado, Walnuts and Olive oil;
Avocados are considered as one of the healthiest foods in the planet as they contain in excess of 25 essential nutrients. Walnuts, on the other hand, are a rich source of the omega-3 fatty acids.
Olive Oil is considered as a healthy dietary fat. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy food options are helpful in increasing the growth of fuller and trendy eyebrows.

·         Castor Oil
 Extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant, it helps to boost the growth of eyebrows. It also thickens eyebrows and eyelashes by stimulating the hair follicle cells around the eyes.
·         Coco-Lemon (coconut + lemon) 
The application of coconut oil on eyebrows helps to reduce protein loss in both damaged and undamaged eyebrows hair. Lemon is also one of those super foods with so many health and cosmetic benefits. 
A mixture of coconut and lemon peel helps in restoring your eyebrows and gives it a fuller and thicker look.  
You can find out how to prepare the amazing combination here:
·         Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is very essential for the growth of eyebrows. It is rich in protein, calcium and iron, and it helps to promote the growth of eyebrows speedily.

  So there you are. Just follow the above tips and you are on your way to having healthy eyebrows. Try it, thank us later and be a good friend by sharing this post.


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