Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Laughter: Truly The best medicine!

Sam’s intuition told him he had a short lifespan. And he consulted a medical practitioner. As the doctor scribbled on his prescription sheet, he expected several doses of vitamins, irons and minerals. He wouldn’t have minded if an injection or two was thrown in. Alas! The doctor scribbled L.O.L’on the prescription sheet.
He had never heard of any drug named ‘L.O.L’. Puzzled, he asked the doctor what it meant. “Oh, pardon me for not writing it out in full” the doctor said, apologetically. He then retrieved the sheet, scribbled more words and handed it back to Sam. It read ‘Laugh Out Loud’. Sam reeled out a very long and hard bout of laughter – the sometimes annoying type. The doctor appeared infected and joined in the fray.

In a lowering crescendo, Sam’s laughter faded; so did the doctor’s. “So you were not joking”, Sam retorted as it dawned on him that the doctor’s prescription was not meant to bemuse him. “I thought you’d give me stress-relieving and pain-killing tablets. “Nope” the doctor said. “You just need to laugh more. You need several doses of laughter actually. By the way, how do you feel now? Laughter is cheaper than any drug o. It’s so cheap that it is free.”

Sam told the doctor he felt no difference. As the closed door to the doctor’s office closed behind him, he made up his mind to visit a more ‘serious’ medical practitioner and pondered over the ‘expensive joke’ this doctor just made out of his obviously serious situation. He soon let out a smile when he realised he did feel good after laughing so hard a few minutes ago. He began to see sense in the Doctor’s ‘L.O.L’ prescription. “Maybe I’ll just try laughing for a few weeks and see if it works out……..going to another doctor will be my plan B” Sam mustered.   
Do you want to live long? Want to enjoy sound health? Here a piece of advice that may shock you: All you need to do is laugh! Yes! Go ahead! Unleash that Laughter! See the lady in the picture above? Go ahead and go crazy with laughter just like she’s doing.

So why is it so important that we laugh? The reason is simple: laughter is one of the best ways of staying healthy!  I’m sure you’ve heard of the expression: Laughter is the best medicine. If you think it was coined just to make you feel positive during hard times, then think again. Laughter does have medicinal qualities!!
Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are numerous. For one, it helps to increase the brain levels of serotonin (an important fluid found in the human brain) and endorphins (natural painkiller) that can help relax the mind.  Laughter also helps relieve general pain as well as increase the body’s immunity.
And if you still doubt the medical effects of laughter, the benefits are stated below
·         Laughter helps to lower blood pressure.
  • ·         It improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and also regulates blood flow.
  • ·         It reduces certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
  • ·         It improves alertness, creativity and memory.
  • ·         Laughter reduces pain and increases job performance.

If laughter is so beneficial to us, how come we seem to be doing little of it? According to experts, healthy children may laugh as much as 400 times per day while adults tend to laugh only 15 times

So are you laughing enough? Go ahead, laugh to jokes. Go and see a funny movie. Always see the funny side of life. Do something that will make you laugh.  And if that doesn’t work...laugh anyway. You really don’t need a reason. Just remember that you are doing a health a big favour.


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