Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Health Living and Its Benefits

‘Healthy Lifestyle’ ‘Healthy Living’ ‘Live Healthy’. The media are constantly bamboozling us with these, so much so that no one really pays attention to those phrases anymore. In addition, all the rules that goes into actualizing the ‘healthy living’ just puts’ you off yes?

However, as boring and ‘uncool’ as it all sounds, learning its importance and how to make changes to achieve it can improve the quality and the length of your life.

 The most obvious of the pact are diet and exercising. Learning to deal with stress, sleeping enough hours, not smoking and drinking responsibly are also part of the equation.

Parents who lead a healthy lifestyle are planting the seeds for their kids to go on to lead healthy lives as well. With childhood obesity reaching epidemic proportions, leading by example is more important than ever, and so is getting your kids involved in learning to live well, eat better, and deal with stress and lack of exercise.

Medical conditions that are common in older people such as heart disease, osteoporosis and some cancers can be prevented (or the risk of contracting them diminished). The aging process can be slowed by making healthier choices in different areas, and many chronic diseases can be slowed or prevented.
A well-balanced, proper diet can have these benefits for those who choose to live a healthy lifestyle:

  • Weight control
  • Improved immune function
  • Increased energy
  • Get in cardiovascular workouts – Any type of activity that gets the heart pumping can work well. Exercise simply does not have to be limited to a gym routine. Swimming, jogging, gardening, dancing and so on all fit the bill.
  • Weight training is helpful – Toning the muscles and maintaining proper strength is also an important factor in healthy living. There's no need to attempt to look like a bodybuilder to see results either.

Exercises are also essential
In order for the body to function as it should, it needs a good workout. While this isn't everyone's favorite prong in a plan to live a healthy lifestyle, it's important nonetheless. To make the most out of exercise, it's important to:

Leading a healthy lifestyle can do more than prevent disease. It can also help you have more energy and stamina, stay slim, be more alert, fight stress and live a longer life.

Switching to a healthier lifestyle doesn't need to happen in a day. Making smaller changes and smarter choices you can live with in the long term are better and will provide lasting results.

Those small changes could be as little as:

·        An Apple A Day

·        Taking those brisk walks in the evening you detest so much

When at the mall, drop that huge bar chocolate and opt for a granola bar instead                                   

·        Skipping a few rounds in the a.m

1 comment:

  1. Chocolates are good for the heart.
    so y drop the chocolates
