Looking to shed off that extra weight and improve your skin tone? Here’s a simple solution for you: Avocado!
You’ve probably heard of Avocado: that tasty treat that can serve as a snack, a meal on its own or can be used in salads and dishes.
However, Avocado is much more than a great tasting fruit. It is a very good source for nutrients like fibre, potassium and vitamins C, K, foliate but to mention a few.
That’s not all. Avocados also contain fat. Now don’t get scared yet. Avocados fat is the healthy kind. Indeed, the fat is unsaturated and even helps reduce the body’s cholesterol. By now you are probably getting the idea that the Avocado fruit is a nutritional powerhouse. But there’s even more.
See below for 7 awesome reasons why eating an Avocado a day will keep the doctor away:
1. Avocados prevent cancer: Studies have shown that Avocados contain nutrients that prevent mouth, skin and prostate gland cancers. The compounds from Avocado target cancerous cells without harming normal healthy cells.
2. Avocado is good for pregnant women: This buttery fruit is a rich source of (healthy) fats, tons of vitamins and dietary fibre to the body. This is particularly useful for pregnant women because it keeps both mother and baby healthy.
3. Avocados helps keep the brain healthy: I bet you didn’t see this coming. Avocados have been known to contain Vitamin E which counteracts free radicals and the build-up of proteins to reverse the memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients. It actually reverses symptoms of Alzheimer’s in the early stages and retards the progression of the disease.
Read more: http://undergroundhealthreporter.com/avocado-health-benefits/#ixzz3EArIoPBy
4. Cures bad breath; Avocado is a natural mouth wash and a remedy for bad breath. It cleanses the intestine which is the real cause of coated tongue and bad breath.
5. Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Regulator: Regular consumption of Avocado helps to regulate blood sugar, control blood pressure and reduce stroke risk.
6. Avocado aids weight loss: Research shows that a diet rich in healthy fats helps trim down your waistline.
7. For Glowing Skin: For a healthy and glowing complexion, a cup of avocado juice a day will help nourish and protect your skin from inside out. It re-invigorates dull and dry skin, giving you a more radiant and flawless skin tone.
So next time you go shopping for fruits, don’t forget to add avocados for a healthier you!